“ Registration & Admission ”

Admission starts from Nursery standard and minimum age for LKG is 3+ years. Admission form alongwith the prospectus is can be obtained from the school office on payment of Rs. 200/- in cash, by post on payment of Rs. 225/- through DD in favour of Jeevandeep Public School at Varanasi. You may register the name on line too. Date of interview/test will be informed, on receipt of filled up form along with Rs 500/- as registration fee ( in case of on line the amount is Rs 700/-). Admission form should be signed by the person responsible for paying school fees/dues. Admission form is normally issued from the month of Jan for the session starting from Apr.

Parents/ guardians must be careful in writing the correct spelling of their ward and their own names and also the correct date of birth of the student. Once these are written in the form, these will not be changed.

Admission is given on the basis of an admission test, subject to availability of seats in the particular class. The test comprises a written examination in English, Science, G.K., Hindi and Mathematics – It is of three hours duration.

Specific syllabus is prescribed for the admission test. It can be asked for while processing the prospectus.

The candidate should be medically fit and should not have any physical deficiency/shortcoming which may come in the way of his/her participation in all school activities including games, sports and swimming. He/She should not be a bed-wetter.

Boys/Girls suffering from any contagious, constitutional or hereditary disease or infirmity are not admitted. Parents declaration should be given at the time of admission.